4 min read

Discovering Denver

Surveying the Mile High City!
Discovering Denver
Climb mountains, it's good for the soul!

As the year comes to a close, one more city has been left for exploration to see if it’ll be my next home after Detroit - the Mile High City. I visited Denver, a city I had only glimpsed briefly during a sponsored school trip in 2017. Back then, my experience was limited to a hotel on the outskirts and a quick tour around the area including a Lockheed Martin facility, a team-building hiking and climbing experience with peers from UC Boulder, and a behind-the-scenes airport tour. This visit, however, was a survey of what Denver had to offer if I were to relocate here. My friends Jonny and Mike joined in and my friend Lindsey flew in from Utah as well.

Why Denver

Before I dive into the general review of the city, let's explore the multifaceted appeal of Denver. First and foremost, while nestled away from the coast, it boasts a proximity to the great outdoors that is simply irresistible for me. We've all seen the memes of the typical “granola” person from Colorado and the abundance of Subarus and Jeeps on the road but the hype is real. The ability to go hike a mountain within a day trip is pretty neat! The city's growing economy is another attraction, offering opportunities in various industries without being dominated by any single sector. In recent years all the metrics have trended upwards with many tech companies opening up shop alongside legacy industries. Compared to the soaring costs of living in all major metro areas Denver feels more accessible, not to mention its generous sunshine – a delightful change from the often gloomy skies of Detroit. Again, my aversion isn’t to the cold but to the absence of sunshine, and Denver seemed to promise plenty of it.

First Impressions

The flight from Detroit to Denver was 3 hours, a reminder that the US is much larger than I always think. I recently learned that Denver is also equidistant between Chicago and the West Coast - a true transition point and gateway to the western US. Arriving in Denver, our first encounter was with the city's rush hour. Stuck in traffic in an Uber on our way downtown, I soon learned that unbridled growth can have negative side effects. However, I later learned that there was a train from the airport to downtown and most of the traffic was the result of an ongoing construction project.

Living Like a Local

Part of these survey trips is to get a sense of what a city would be like if I were to live there. This involves embedding myself in a neighborhood, working from there, and exploring the surroundings. Having enjoyed my time in the hostels of Southern California, I wanted to replicate the experience. I found just that in Hostel Fish, a highly-rated stay in downtown Denver, steps away from the historic Larimer Square and 16th Street Mall. The location was perfectly situated to give me a taste of what living in downtown Denver would be like - complete with the neighboring bakeries and cafes and the vibrant live music venues. We started the day with a classic American brunch in Uptown and then walked the downtown core - hitting the state capitol, the art museum for an interactive exhibition, and walking the main pedestrian thoroughfare at 16th Street Mall. The day ended with a food hall and dinner in the gentrifying LoDo neighborhood. The construction cranes all around us reminded me that the city is still growing.

The Great Outdoors

A major highlight was our excursion to Rocky Mountain National Park. I ended up renting a car and we drove past Golden, a small town west of Denver nestled in the mountains. I vividly remember making a pit stop in Estes Park, a small town on the outskirts of the park entrance, and looking up in awe at the mountains. The hike was Mike's idea, and it turned out to be an unforgettable experience, albeit a challenging one. We hiked to the top of Deer Mountain, and as we climbed higher, the meadows and grassland gave way to the alpine forest. It was noticeably colder as we hiked through the fresh snow before reaching the rocky summit and the pristine vistas. Off in the distance I saw the unspoiled beauty of Colorado's natural landscape. As we were leaving the park, cars stopped as a herd of elk ran past us, crossing the road from meadows into a pond. It seemed so surreal, like a scene out of some Western movie. As the sun set behind us, small towns turned to suburbs as we approached Boulder. On the drive back, we stopped in Boulder at an amazing Mexican restaurant. A nourishing meal after a hard hike in the cold was very welcome, but not as much as the downtown lights that signaled I was getting closer to my bed after an arduous day.

Day Trips and Unexpected Encounters

Our last day in Colorado took an exciting turn with an impromptu day trip to Colorado Springs - a city Jonny was interested in exploring. We made a pit stop at the Garden of the Gods, a natural landmark with towering red rock formations. Against the clear blue sky, it felt like we were on Mars. Afterwards, we continued to Colorado Springs where I ducked into a quaint local coffee shop to enjoy a sandwich and jump on a work call while Mike and Jonny explored some nearby trails. Afterwards, we tried to catch sunset from the famed Pike’s Peak nearby but the entrance to the summit road was closed. While we missed the sunset, we ended up scaling some nearby rocks that offered a panoramic view over Colorado Springs. The day culminated with dinner and a reunion with a high school friend. It had been over five years since I last met someone from high school, and this unexpected meeting reminded me that community is essential no matter where you are. Over dinner, we reminisced about old times and marveled at the paths our lives had taken. Mike, Jonny, and I drove back to Denver pretty late at night and crashed before our departure the next day.

Departure and Lasting Impressions

As the sun peaked over the horizon, we took the train to the airport, grateful to bypass the rush hour traffic. This trip was the last of the planned city survey trips and I know I will have to start wrapping up my time in Detroit as I decide what is next. As I was thinking through these thoughts and feeling nostalgic, the sight of the majestic mountains in the background brought me to peace. Denver, with its unique blend of urban growth and natural beauty, could be home one day. The Mile-High City remains a strong contender and I hope to come back again someday.