3 min read

LA Tech Week Dispatch

Attending my first LA Tech Week
LA Tech Week Dispatch
Snapped a picture of a highway while walking through downtown

I took time off last week to attend LA Tech Week, a collection of events hosted by VCs, startups, non-profits, and community organizers to showcase the tech ecosystem in the greater Los Angeles area. Having recently moved to San Diego, I was curious to understand the broader SoCal tech ecosystem. It's a region booming with over six thousand startups, two million tech professionals, and lots of potential. My mission was clear: immerse myself in all the events, learn as much as possible, and hopefully forge new relationships.

Key Highlights

A core part of LA Tech Week was the diverse and engaging lineup of events. Networking didn’t feel forced but natural at gatherings hosted by VCs like A16Z and Plug&Play at the chic spots like Lanea & Cult (both in Santa Monica) or downtown. Another highlight was the AngelList Talent mixer, set against the stunning backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and coastal mountains at the rooftop restaurant LouLou. I also attended an insightful, impromptu talk on building better data culture at various organizations; turning companies from data-aware to data-driven. The impromptu event was just an example of the open nature of the LA Tech Week events - anyone could host an event.

Other highlights included a visit to the Hadrian factory, where the startup is focused on automating precision manufacturing to unblock the aerospace and defense industries. I met one of my favorite YouTubers and Soylent co-founder Josh Coogan there as we learned the intricate challenges of manufacturing specialized parts. I also attended another manufacturing company’s open house - this time for prefabricated accessory dwelling units made by Cover. The company builds flat-packed houses which can be readily deployed and it was really neat to see the innovation up close. Rounding out the hard tech, there was a brilliant congregation of minds focused on hardware and deep tech which yielded many interesting conversations. While I didn’t participate in the more social after-parties (tired after long days), I did get a chance to experience Cake's electric bikes at the Motoring Club.

Riding the Cake bike, meeting Coogan at Hadrian, and the Cover open house in Silver Lake

I met an array of entrepreneurs, from first-time founders to industry veterans from all walks of life. The diversity in the crowd was a pleasant surprise, showcasing a range of companies and entrepreneurs that stretched beyond the traditional Silicon Valley archetype. One memorable encounter was with a woman in her 40s working on a cosmetics business and another one was a sibling duo building a travel planning app. These experiences, particularly as a brown guy in tech, were not only refreshing but inspiring. I am a big believer that tech needs to be a bigger tent and could do well to include more backgrounds. Perhaps it’s a nod to LA’s diversity but this week showcased an inspiring shift towards a more inclusive tech industry.

Learnings, Reflections, and Conclusion

LA Tech Week was an enlightening experience, though not without its logistical challenges. The decentralized nature of the event, while offering an abundance of choices, often led to conflicting schedules and tough decisions on which sessions to attend. The spread-out venues across the city emphasized the sprawl of Los Angeles. This, however, was a small price to pay for the rich variety of insights and perspectives I gained and it is LA traffic after all.

Reflecting on the week, what stood out was the boundless potential of the SoCal tech scene. I don’t think you need to be in New York or the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Beach is becoming a hub in its own right. This week was a vibrant showcase of innovation and collaboration, offering a glimpse into a future fueled by technology and human ingenuity.

For anyone curious about the pulse of their local tech community, I strongly encourage attending similar events. It’s a great way to understand current trends and meet leaders but also a great way to build community and meet like-minded people.