4 min read

Moving to San Diego

Making the move to America's Finest City
View of train tracks surrounded by palm trees and high-rise condos
Image credit Felix Wöstmann

Framing the Move

Last December, I embarked on a significant journey, leaving behind Detroit's swirl of uncertainty and aspiration to find a new home. This journey of exploration and profound self-discovery eventually led me to relocate to America’s Finest City, a city that represents more than its sunny skies and inviting weather.

As I reflect on my first several weeks here, my thoughts are deeply rooted in the core principles I revisited at the start of this year. San Diego has become a canvas for my aspirations, a place where the importance of human relationships takes on new meaning. Here, in this dynamic city, I'm learning the intricate dance of forming new connections, each with the potential to transform my life in ways I'm just beginning to understand.

Transition for me is a time to reset, grow, and apply the lessons learned from previous experiences. It's an opportunity to sculpt a new version of myself – one that aligns more closely with my ideal vision. I find myself setting new routines and reprioritizing the things that matter. Time is my most valuable resource - one that I now view through the lens of leverage and the power of compounding. This mindset guides me as I navigate the unknowns and opportunities in this vibrant city, embracing a philosophy of maintaining “a strong vision loosely held.”

A Mosaic City

San Diego, with its population of over 1.4 million, presents a tapestry of experiences that capture the essence of the Southern California lifestyle. Each day unfolds a new aspect of this city, revealing the diverse character of its neighborhoods and people. Downtown, where I am living, pulses with energy on the weekends and is noticeably quieter on the weeknights. Without my car, I've embraced the public transit system, a change that has offered me a unique perspective of the city’s rhythm.

I would describe San Diego as a mosaic of various neighborhoods - each with its own character - stitched together by highways that hug the topography of canyons, buttes, mesas, and valleys. The city's laid-back vibe is palpable, particularly in its people who are approachable and far from standoffish, unlike other parts of the country (looking at you New York). The relaxed demeanor is most evident in the beach neighborhoods Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, Pacific Beach, La Jolla, and also the northern cities of Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, and beyond. Each of these places has its own distinct flair, yet they all share the unpretentious charm of San Diego. Balboa Park, with its palm tree-lined streets and perennially blue skies, epitomizes the city's natural beauty.

The city’s culture is further personified in my interactions with locals. Casual conversations with strangers at a North Park coffee shop, engaging stories from the volunteer docents at the USS Midway Museum, and even challenging encounters with the homeless, reflect the broader societal issues of mental health and substance abuse present in many American cities. These experiences have nudged me towards a deeper understanding of compassion, balancing it with personal safety.

On the weekends, downtown, especially along 5th Avenue, buzzes with activity. The daily farmers' markets in various neighborhoods are a testament to the city’s vibrant community life. Each market has its own personality, showcasing local produce and merchandise, and offering a glimpse into the everyday lives of San Diegans.

Human Relationships in a New City

Moving to a new city always opens the door to a world of new beginnings and each interaction holds the promise of something significant. You never know who will become a close friend, a future business partner, or a loved one.

When I arrived here, my social circle was just a friend from college and a roommate I met online. I find the opportunity to build my social circle anew exhilarating, to form bonds that are not just circumstantial but carefully chosen and nurtured; each person is one step closer to fulfilling my goal of creating meaningful, lasting connections. Attending Meetup.com events, participating in sports activities, attending trivia nights, and connecting with the alumni association have helped me find like-minded people. The joy of meeting people organically, of conversations sparking over shared passions, and of friendships forming in the most unexpected places, is unparalleled.

Building on the relationships, the sense of community extends to my own building where events foster a close-knit atmosphere among residents. It's in these small gatherings that I've found unexpected friendships and a sense of belonging. Sometimes it’s meeting a neighbor in the garage or lobby, running into a regular at the coffee shop down the street, or even getting to know folks at the gym.

The growing connections align with my long-held belief in the value of nurturing relationships. Whether it's a casual chat at a coffee shop, a rigorous debate in a group meeting, or cheering together at a local sports event, these moments remind me of the power of human connection. They underscore my belief that relationships are a key part of life as both a mirror to see ourselves and a window to view the world.


This morning, my external monitor arrived and after I set it up and connected my laptop, it finally hit me. I looked out my bedroom window to the cityscape outside. An airplane flew past the buildings on its final approach to land at the airport nearby. The perfectly blue sky just beamed with brightness as the city skyline provided a dramatic backdrop to one of the steepest approaches in commercial aviation. Then it dawned on me - this place is now home.

I have transitioned away from a nomadic lifestyle towards building my new home with a mix of modern and rustic furnishings. It’s not quite the downtown loft I always dreamed of but the high ceilings and tall windows are close enough. There is a certain charm to living in a modernized historic building and I look forward to using all the nice amenities.

Life is so rich right now. I feel extremely privileged to have the ability to make this move and pursue this path. While life's unpredictability is a given, my decision to spend at least a year here is a deliberate commitment to immerse myself in the city's rhythm, build lasting relationships, foster personal growth, and strategically leverage my time and efforts to realize my goals. And I am glad it will be home for at least the next 12 months - and all the amazing things to come!