2 min read

One Year at Whisker

Embracing growth and innovation - one year into my role at Whisker, it has been a fruitful journey so far and there is still more to accomplish.
One Year at Whisker
Cali, the office Calico cat giving me her signature stare

Looking back to a year ago, I joined AutoPets (now known as Whisker) after a pretty chaotic 8 months. In 2020 the world was turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic just as I graduated from Michigan and was on the path to building a new company. I spent 6 months working part-time on two different university startups but ultimately both paths closed on me. The uncertainties of the times and a serendipitous call from a recruiter led me to an exciting opportunity in my current job. This role as a founding cloud engineer not only marked a new chapter in my career but also respresents a pivotal point in my personal and professional growth.

Personal & Professional Growth
Inspired by Bill Ekstrom's Growth Rings theory, I view my career journey in the context of growth environments—stagnation, order, complexity, and chaos. Thriving in ambiguity and chaos, I have found my role at Whisker to be a perfect embodiment of the 'complexity' growth ring. This role challenged me to adapt, innovate, and grow beyond my comfort zone.

My day-to-day activities at Whisker are dynamic and fast-paced. As I gravitated towards a backend engineering role, I immersed myself in serverless infrastructure, scaling solutions, and enhancing my AWS expertise. I have spent the last year taking legacy solutions and modernizing them into scalable and robust applications that can support 10x the number of clients and services. Experimenting with abstract problems and working within a TypeScript codebase, I've adopted a 'sponge-like' approach, eagerly absorbing new knowledge and skills. Tools like Terraform and the Cloud Development Kit have become integral to my workflow, enabling me to optimize and innovate with greater efficiency.

The trust and confidence bestowed upon me by Whisker's leadership have been instrumental in my professional growth. This trust has allowed me to delve into greenfield projects and navigate legacy systems with confidence. My journey also includes mentoring an intern, a responsibility that has brought new insights into my own strengths and areas for improvement. The team culture at Whisker, rooted in collaboration and continuous learning, has further fueled my professional development. The best part is that as the first hire, I get to shape a lot of the culture as we ramp up hiring next year.

Company Growth
Witnessing Whisker's growth has been exhilarating. From rebranding efforts to expanding our manufacturing facility, the company is evolving rapidly, striking a balance between the agility of a startup and the stability of an established market leader. We're continuously innovating and exploring new technologies and products, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. It's like having the best of a startup with the backing of a profitable business which allows engineering to take on more creative work.

Invitation and Reflection
Reflecting on my 13-month journey with Whisker, I am amazed at the transformation, both personally and professionally. If my story resonates with you or sparks your interest in cloud engineering and innovation, I extend an invitation to join. Whether you're an experienced professional or just embarking on your career, I'm always open to sharing my experiences or connecting you with our recruitment team. Join us at Whisker as we continue to explore the vast potential of cloud technologies and shape the future.